Consultations are available for skin cancer and general dermatology care including skin, hair and nail disorders. Surgical skin excisions, laser therapy and patch testing are available at Auckland Dermatology in Greenlane.
Contact details are below. If you have been previously seen at the Milford clinic please feel free to contact Auckland Dermatology to arrange any required appointments. If this location is unsuitable we will be happy to arrange an onward referral if required. To contact the Milford clinic please email
Auckland Dermatology
Ascot Office Park
95 Ascot Avenue
Greenlane, Auckland
Phone (09) 524 9915
Fax (09) 524 9918
Healthlink EDI birchnak
Services available:
Skin cancer checks
Consultations for skin, hair & nail conditions
Biopsies and skin cancer surgery
Patch testing for skin contact allergy
Vulval dermatology
Phototherapy & laser